Heart of the Mountains

Heart of the Mountains

There are places so deep in these mountains, Too deep for adventure to find, Where silence suspends like a cobweb, And nature obeys outside time. A thousand springs’ worth of wildflowers Have reached to the sky all unknown, And rocks that were hewn by the Ice Age Are...
Elephant Hills

Elephant Hills

I am watching the lumpy swell of mountains against the horizon  Wrinkled like the skin of the elephants that once held up the world  Ridged like their bony uncomplaining shoulders.  Did those elephants ever tire?  But someone has to be the quiet...
Birthday Candles

Birthday Candles

Another mountain autumn. Cloud-curls shed confetti, And silver frost is wrapping every tree in ribbons. Another year Is layered on my face. I am a tree,  Adding rings each season, and I fight To keep my skin from growing hard, to keep the green Still dripping in...